Whose War is it, Anyway?

The NYT has an important article on a growing discontent in the military. It seems that even a professional military gets tired of being the only ones asked to sacrifice. Neither Democrats nor Republicans have acquitted themselves honorably in this regard. Many Democrats who think the war unwise cravenly decline to openly oppose it. Republicans, who almost universally have backed, boasted upon and defended the war have largely been too corrupt or cowardly to insist on committment from the entire Nation.
David C. Hendrickson, a scholar on foreign policy and the presidency at Colorado College, said, "Bush understands that the support of the public for war - especially the war in Iraq - is conditioned on demanding little of the public."
Thus, much, or everything, is demanded of the professional military while the promoters of the war stay home and profit mightily from their huge tax cuts, even while the country careers toward financial, political, and moral ruin.


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