QCD Strings

A bit more from Leonard Susskind. In describing hadrons he promotes a very specific and mechanical model of the hadron as a QCD string, with quarks connected by little bar magnet like gluons. Mesons, in this picture have their quark and antiquark connected by a single string of bar magnet gluons while the three quarks of a baryon are connected by a bolo shaped Y of gluon bar magnets.

I wasn't completely unfamiliar with this picture but I had always thought of it as more metaphorical than real and concrete. Anybody whose particle physics is more up to date have any thoughts on this? In particular, I hadn't realized that gluons were polar, though it does seem rather plausible.

The specificity of the shapes was the most surprising element for me. Is that implied by the linearity of the Regge trajectories?


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