More Dark Whispers

Evidence continues to pile up that fetid creeping things continue to emerge from the rocks Trump's election overturned:

A West Virginia mayor was criticized and her businesswoman friend fired after calling First Lady Michelle Obama an “ape in heels.”

“It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady back in the White House,” wrote Pamela Ramsey Taylor, the axed director of the government-funded Clay Development Corporation.

“I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."


One person not outraged, however, was Beverly Whaling, the mayor of Clay.

“Just made my day Pam,” she commented under the original post.

Taylor got fired, but she and the mayor are good examples of the racist trash empowered by Trump's victory. She had the temerity to claim:

Those who know me know that I'm not of any way racist!

On another note, I hope that the idiots who plumped for Trump because they thought Hillary was too militant have noticed that Trump is floating hard core neocons for his national security team.


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